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Hi All,
A new Xerophilia special issue (S-5 / Feb. 2015) will be online and ready for you to download from in only few hours!
Eduart Zimer - A review of the succulent flora of Rangitoto Island, Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand
followed by the full version of Whakaari – The White Island (the abridged version was published in Xerophilia 11)
166 pages and over 330 pictures and illustrations. English only edition. Enjoy!
Edit: For some users when opening the pdf file directly into the browser the switch buttons seem not to be working at all. (all other internal or external links are fine). Save pdf the file on the hard drive and open it again and you will enjoy the multi-lingual layers. We will look into this further.
Hi All,
Xerophilia no. 10 (Vol. 3, No. 3 – October 2014) is online and ready for you to download from !
From the summary:
Pedro Nájera Quezada - Carnivorous xeric flora in San Luis Potosí, México
Aldo Delladio - A three weeks trip in Mexico (Part 1)
Piet van der Meer, Daniel Guillot Ortiz, Charles Puche & Pedro Nájera Quezada - Iconography of Agave univittata Haw. and Agave lechuguilla Torr. (Agavaceae)
Francisco Moreno - Agave potatorum and other xerophytes in Tepanco de López, Puebla
Erik Holm - A Dane visiting Romania - a story about friendship and cacti
A new fantastic plant: Mammillaria bertholdii Linzen spec. nova (includes an interview with Thomas Linzen)
Stefan Nitzschke - Mammillaria theresae Cutak and Mammillaria deherdtiana Farwig (On the history of cv. albiflora)
Andrea Cattabriga - Festa del Cactus 2014
Judd Kirkel Welwitch - Touring some Lithops in the wild
Jennifer Pannell - When succulents attack! (A peninsula under threat)
Leo Rodríguez - Some of my recent fine art works
… and more!
As a new feature the e-zine has three layers of text – English, Romanian and Original (the original language the article was written in) – that can be switched from the buttons (en – ro – or) at the bottom of every page. Not only bilingual, but a multi-lingual publication at a click of the mouse!
We apologize for the delay – more than one month – but the implementation of this new feature and unfortunate changes to our summary have contributed to this delay. We hope to be online with our 11th regular issue in mid to late December, as planned.
Eduart, on behalf of the Xerophilia Team.
Xerophilia No 10 will be online a bit delayed this time (possibly around the 15th of October) due to several changes to the format and content. However, it will include a very interesting article on invasive exotic Crassulaceae in the Banks Peninsula (New Zealand) by Jennifer Pannell.
Hi All,
Our third Special Issue Epiphytic myrmecophytes of southern Asia and the southwest Pacific by the New Zealander Derrick J. Rowe will be online Friday, the 17th of January: 64 pages, 145 illustrations, presenting myrmecophytes from Fiji, Australia and several regions and islands of Papua New-Guinea. Prepare yourselves for an informative and pictorial delight! Probably the most extensive paper on myrmecophytes ever published in a "free knowledge sharing" journal!
Nothing on Crassulaceae of course, but I think that plant lovers (and especially the ones loving the weirdest forms in the vegetable world) will be interested. I make this announcement a bit in advance as I will be probably travelling by the time this will be online.
Hi All,
Some of you may have received our two 2014 calendars per email. Although not an official Xerophilia product (and therefore not available on our website), the 2014 calendars can be downloaded from (if you have an account search for Xerophilia). The calendars were not intended to be very functional – who needs classic calendars nowadays anyway? – but represent a big THANK YOU! to all who contributed with pictures, articles, support, ideas, and more to our effort of sharing free knowledge!
Happy New Year 2014!
P.S. In mid to late January 2014 we will launch our third special issue: Epiphytic myrmecophytes of southern Asia and the southwest Pacific by Derrick J. Rowe. (English only). More details in the new year.
Eine neue vierteljährliche kostenlose Online-Zeitschrift - Acta Succulenta:
Editor: Davide Donati
Herausgeber: Collegium Europaeum pro Plantis Succulentis (CEPS)
Separate Ausgaben in Englisch, Französisch und Italienisch. Außergewöhnliche Qualität! Erste Ausgabe ist einfach erstaunlich.
Un nouveau journal en ligne trimestriel gratuit - Acta Succulenta:
Éditeur: Davide Donati
Publié par: Collegium Europaeum pro Plantis Succulentis (CEPS)
Editions distinctes en langues française, anglaise et italienne. Qualité exceptionnelle! Première numéro est tout simplement incroyable.
A new quarterly free online journal - Acta Succulenta:
Editor: Davide Donati
Publisher: Collegium Europaeum pro Plantis Succulentis (CEPS)
Separate issues in English, French and Italian languages. Exceptional quality! First issue is simply amazing.
No. 6 is online now!
It's online now! Enjoy!
Hi All,
I wasn't here for such a looooong time, so thought to touch base. Our fifth issue appeared one month ago, and we are only days away from releasing the English version of the Stone Eaters – a 112 pages special issue dealing with mineral soil mixtures and relationship plant / soil. I guess this could be interesting for a wider range of succulentophiles, not for cactus enthusiasts only. The idea behind is that plants can feed from minerals and that you can create a well-balanced potting mixture without overdoing it with the humus content or excessive fertilizing.
We are also advancing on our work for the September regular issue – there will be at least a couple of articles dealing with Crassulaceae this time. Unfortunately we’re not able to include every time reports on this plant family.
Last but not least, congratulations for starting Crassulacea and The Cactician journals, this is an excellent initiative! We mentioned the latest Crassulacea issue in Xerophilia 5, but completely missed The Cactician! I will correct this omission in September.
Cheers from downunder,
Thank you both!
I've got a bunch of mixed cuttings from someone few months ago and found this...
Shouldn't have been any Sedum cuttings in there... but I think this is Sedum oreganum.
Planted the cuttings in a corner of my rock garden, but some rushed into a tempestuous flowering and died afterwards, few others survived. Still there, but didn't take too well the hot and extremely dry summer we've had downunder. These are 3 months old pictures, now they take off nicely as temperatures have cooled down and autumn rains took over.
Merci Tom!
Simplement merveilleux, merci pour l'affichage!
C'est tout simplement incroyable! Puis-je utiliser cette photo ou un quiz? Qui doit être crédité pour la photo?
Nuestra revista cuarta en línea justo a tiempo para las vacaciones de Pascua!
Del resumen me gustaría que recomendaría el Echeverioideae (Crassulaceae) de Tamaulipas, México por Leccinum "Lex" García.
Onze vierde tijdschrift is online, net op tijd voor de paasvakantie!
Uit de samenvatting wil ik adviseren u de Echeverioideae (Crassulaceae) van Tamaulipas, Mexico door Leccinum "Lex" Garcia.
Il quarto numero è online, giusto in tempo per le vacanze di Pasqua!
Dalla sintesi vorrei raccomandare di The Echeverioideae (Crassulaceae) di Tamaulipas, in Messico da Leccinum "Lex" Garcia.
Notre quatrième édition est online, juste à temps pour les vacances de Pâques!
Du résumé, je voudrais vous recommander Le Echeverioideae (Crassulaceae) de Tamaulipas, au Mexique par Leccinum "Lex" Garcia.
Unsere vierte Ausgabe ist online - gerade rechtzeitig für die Osterferien!
Vom Inhalt möchte ich Ihnen ein Artikel von Leccinum "Lex" Garcia empfehlen: Die Echeverioideae (Crassulaceae) von Tamaulipas, Mexiko.
Our fourth issue in online, just in time for the Easter Holiday!
From the summary I would like to recommend you The Echeverioideae (Crassulaceae) of Tamaulipas, Mexico by Leccinum "Lex" Garcia.
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