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Sedum dasyphillum? ssp glanduliferum? les rosetes sont trop petites...
Mieux est de suivre l'avis de Ray Stephenson >
Ray Stephenson va plus loin dans le regroupement ; il dit (Sedum, Cultivated Stonecrops) : "I think we must accept that the species is exceptionally polymorphic". Et il précise (ICN forum, 2012) : "I'd be happier if there were no varieties accepted. I think though that the name glanduliferum refers to hairy plants usually with a particular leaf arrangement. Var. dasyphyllum is usually glabrous (except perhaps for inflorescences). In my experience, every combination of leaf-size, leaf-indumentums and leaf-arrangement exist in the wild and this is ignoring the fact that some clones have 5-partite flowers while others have 6-."
Pages: 1