#2 Re: Nieuwtjes » Enkele echeveria's die gaan bloeien... » 2013-05-16 18:00:23

Beste Mieke, ik houd me aanbevolen voor een stek, blad of anderszins van Echeveria calycosa.

#3 Re: Identificatie » onbekend. » 2013-05-16 17:57:15

I got it from Cok last Saturday.
It was growing in normal light.

#4 Re: Identificatie » onbekend » 2013-05-15 17:58:02

Thank you kindly Margrit.
My other posted unknown plant rings a bell ?

#5 Identificatie » onbekend. » 2013-05-13 18:33:59

Replies: 5


Nog een onbekende.

#6 Identificatie » onbekend » 2013-05-13 18:31:27

Replies: 2


Komt iemand deze plant bekend voor?
Vermoedelijk Graptopetalum filiferum x ??

#7 Re: Nieuwtjes » Aeonium canariense X smithii » 2013-04-22 14:40:29


Nieuwe Echeveria van Samaipata / Bolivia (foto Joh. de Vries)

#8 Re: Identifizierung » Graptoveria 2011-91 » 2012-11-29 19:26:13

l assumed that in the meantime mr. Eggli also had discovered that this was not a cf. westii but a x graptoveria.

#9 Re: Identifizierung » Graptoveria 2011-91 » 2012-11-28 18:58:59

Last year l got 5 plantlets named as cf. westii from  Urs Eggli. In the meantime l also discovered that it was not cf. westii at all but indeed x Graptoveria acaulis.
As so far as the real Echeveria westii is concerned, l have a little plant in my collection from Ollantaytambo/Peru for several years now but l  still have trouble to grow it to a sizable rosette.

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