#1 Re: Identification » Sedum? Echeveria? Sedeveria? » 2015-09-03 11:52:34

Tom wrote:

Usually, 'Blue Mist' has powdery leaves.
Maria, could you tell us if, on the second plant, there is some flour you can remove with your finger ?
But, anyway, without flowers, we are only speculating.

No, they aren't flour in their leaves.

Well, I know that withoiut flowers could be more difficult (or impossible)... so I'll return with pictures of the inflorescences if they decide to bloom smile

Lot of thanks to both!

#2 Re: Identification » Sedum? Echeveria? Sedeveria? » 2015-09-02 17:04:17

Thanks Tom! Hi Lourdes! smile

I found this hybrid... Sedeveria Jet Beads, darker than Blue Mist. I don't know!

http://www.crassulaceae.ch/de/artikel?a … =J&aID=130


#3 Re: Identification » Sedum? Echeveria? Sedeveria? » 2015-09-02 15:09:48

Thanks Tom!

The second plant is just bought, so I still haven't repotted it smile

Pd: sorry for my bad english :S

#4 Identification » Sedum? Echeveria? Sedeveria? » 2015-09-02 14:34:59

Replies: 10


This is my first post in this forum. I need your help to identify these plants. Maybe Echeveria affinis or an hybrid? my friend thinks could be Sedum, but I am not sure, so... what do you think? Are they the same species?



Lots of thanks smile

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