#1 Re: News » Floraison de kalanchoe » 2013-05-14 18:11:39

Bonjour Benoît,
very nice pictures of this two Kalanchoe; many thanks for presenting this here.

If I have understand correct their and Margrits messages, I will add the following explanations.

Asiatic species of the genus Kalanchoe are very rare in german (as well in european?) collections.
I have seen only one accession of a plant, called K. spathulata, received from the Palmengarten Frankfurt and collected in Myanmar. Later we have seen, that this plant was incorrect determined. For us was unable to determine this plant, for the reason, that the origin of this plant and a suitable name (K. bhidei or K. cherukondensis) has a distribution in India, about 2.000 km away from ours locality. Here we have the question of the origin of this plant in this place (by humans as escape from a garden, or natural?).

The eight varities of K. spathulata I have obtained from the paper from Hideaki Ohba, Taxonomic Studies on the Asian Species of the Genus Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae), Journal of Japanese Botany, 78 (5): 247-256 (2003). This paper was not included in the synopsis of the genus Kalanchoe by Descoings in the IHSP. In my opinion Ohba has a better knowledge of the asiatic species than Descoings, therefore I follow Ohba in the taxonomy of the K. spathulata-complex. Three of the varities are mentioned by Descoings as species in the IHSP.

One comment from me to “The Plantlist”.
Some entries to the genus Kalanchoe are very doubtfully and only to reject. Two examples:

K. spathulata is given as synonym to K. integra. K. integra again is given as accepted name. The basionym of K. integra (Cotyledon integra) however is given as unresolved name. In my opinion, an unresolved basionym cannot be the grounding for an accepted name!

K. thyrsiflora (from RSA, described 1861) is given as synonym to K. tetraphylla (Madagaskar, described 1923). As you can check easy by compare the pictures of my homepage, this two names are very distinct species; and either are good species. Futhermore a younger name cannot have priority over an older name.

The entries of this site must be checked with specialised literature.

#2 Re: News » Question » 2013-03-03 17:57:39

Na meinen bisherigen beobachtungen ist es so, das die untergattung Bryophyllum (mit Kitchingia) selbststeril ist.
Die untergattung Kalanchoe ist wahrscheinlich zum größten teil selbstfertil. Bei der sammlung im Botanischen Garten Darmstadt konnte ich bei verschiedenen arten samenansatz beobachten. Da hier aber keine bestäubungsschranken an den blütenständen waren, könnte es auch sein, das in das gewächshaus eingedrungene insekten eine bestäubung vorgenommen haben. Da wären geziehlt arbeiten und beobachtungen angebracht.

#3 Re: Identification » Kalanchoë sp. ? luciae? » 2013-03-03 17:50:59

Hallo Paul,
Margrit hat mich auf Deinen artikel hingewiesen.

Die pflanze die Du abbildest ist K. luciae. Die blüten sind zwar nicht ordentlich ausgebildet, aber die blütenfarbe gibt es nur bei dieser art.
K. thyrsiflora blüht gelb und hat zudem noch einen unangenehmen geruch, den sie beim blühen verströmt.

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